Parish Councillors
Parish Councillors are remaining active during this period, although we ask that you do not request face to face meetings. The business of the parish council remains as normal as we can possibly make it, and our councillors and staff are still contactable to address any queries that you may have.
Click here for ways to contact the council office
Click here to contact individual councillors
Parish Council Facilities
As of the 4th of January 2021, the community centre and pavilion have in response to the location being placed under tier 4 COVID restrictions and subsequently the National Lockdown, closed. If you have an event that has been affected by our closure, you will have been contacted about a refund. This situation will be reviewed on a regular basis.
The play parks have reopened but we request that you read the notices that are located at each park, to enables us to keep within government guidance and allow the parks to stay open.
The cemetery is open and families are welcome to visit their loved ones, but please adhere to social distancing guidelines if other people are in the cemetery.
Parish Council Office
The Parish Council remains in operation, although with staff working remotely. We are trying to keep business as 'normal' as possible within these unprecedented times. The council is meeting virtually and members of the public are welcome to watch the meeting and participate under the appropriate agenda item. Please contact the Clerk if you wish to be sent a link with meeting details. Meetings are held on the the last Wednesday of the month and the agendas/meeting link will be available 5 days prior to the meeting date.
We can still be contacted at 01508 492182 or [email protected]
Parish Councillors are remaining active during this period, although we ask that you do not request face to face meetings. The business of the parish council remains as normal as we can possibly make it, and our councillors and staff are still contactable to address any queries that you may have.
Click here for ways to contact the council office
Click here to contact individual councillors
Parish Council Facilities
As of the 4th of January 2021, the community centre and pavilion have in response to the location being placed under tier 4 COVID restrictions and subsequently the National Lockdown, closed. If you have an event that has been affected by our closure, you will have been contacted about a refund. This situation will be reviewed on a regular basis.
The play parks have reopened but we request that you read the notices that are located at each park, to enables us to keep within government guidance and allow the parks to stay open.
The cemetery is open and families are welcome to visit their loved ones, but please adhere to social distancing guidelines if other people are in the cemetery.
Parish Council Office
The Parish Council remains in operation, although with staff working remotely. We are trying to keep business as 'normal' as possible within these unprecedented times. The council is meeting virtually and members of the public are welcome to watch the meeting and participate under the appropriate agenda item. Please contact the Clerk if you wish to be sent a link with meeting details. Meetings are held on the the last Wednesday of the month and the agendas/meeting link will be available 5 days prior to the meeting date.
We can still be contacted at 01508 492182 or [email protected]