Closure of Poringland Cemetery to New Burials
Poringland Parish Council has been advised by the Environment Agency that it must close the cemetery in Rectory Lane to new burials. This does not affect existing graves which may be re-opened for a second burial at a later date.
The Parish Council commissioned a Tier 2 report following issues of water in graves in the cemetery. The law states that burials may not be made into standing water, and that the water table should be 1 metre below the bottom of a grave. In Poringland, the perched water table is approximately 1 metre above the bottom of the grave, assessing the risk of groundwater pollution as ‘moderate’. For this reason, the Environment Agency has stated that the cemetery is not fit for human burial.
The Parish Council has begun making enquiries into new cemetery space within the parish, which will take some years to gain permission and create.
Those affected have received a letter, and the Parish Council wishes to reassure those residents who have an existing double plot which has been used once, that they will be able to be buried with their loved one. However, new burials will not be permitted, and those people who hold exclusive rights to graves which have not been used have been contacted to explain their options.
To read the full press release, click here.
To read the Tier 2 Study from Cemetery Development Services click here.
The Parish Council commissioned a Tier 2 report following issues of water in graves in the cemetery. The law states that burials may not be made into standing water, and that the water table should be 1 metre below the bottom of a grave. In Poringland, the perched water table is approximately 1 metre above the bottom of the grave, assessing the risk of groundwater pollution as ‘moderate’. For this reason, the Environment Agency has stated that the cemetery is not fit for human burial.
The Parish Council has begun making enquiries into new cemetery space within the parish, which will take some years to gain permission and create.
Those affected have received a letter, and the Parish Council wishes to reassure those residents who have an existing double plot which has been used once, that they will be able to be buried with their loved one. However, new burials will not be permitted, and those people who hold exclusive rights to graves which have not been used have been contacted to explain their options.
To read the full press release, click here.
To read the Tier 2 Study from Cemetery Development Services click here.